It was nice to have Sannie home for a couple of days. After we got our fingerprints done we came home and left the little girls with Daddy and her and I went shopping for a couple of hours. Its nice to spend some time alone with her. She needed some sun glasses and she thinks her face is too round so it takes her a while to choose a pair and I needed a pair o gold earrings for next weekend. I only wear silver so I had no gold. We had her favorite dinner (anything with mashed potatoes!) and sat around and watched Phantom of the Opera til bed time. She went back to school today :( but we will see her next weekend for the CISLA Banquet. Ill write more about that next week. Max had a hockey game tonight. They won 7-2. Max got Hat Trick! The team played well. Lilly brought her pom poms so she could cheer. She really doesn't watch the games she just jumps around shaking her pompoms yelling "Go Hanover". I'm sad to see vacation end tomorrow. With how much the INS fiasco took out of me I could use another week off!
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