Well we just finished our latest batch of paperwork! Just when you think your done the US Government wants 3 more forms and your agency wants 3 forms signed and notarized, 47 pages signed and dated and 6 of those on front and back, 2 more forms signed and dated, several pages initialized and the last page of those forms signed. WHEW!! Tomorrow we will have them sent to our agency with our next payment. Not that any of this will make our LOA (I think its called Letter of Confirmation really) to come faster but it will be nice to have all of the paperwork out of the house. And remember this is like our third set of paperwork we have done.
Update: Nothing really. Things seem to be chugging along in China. For a while a few agencies reported they were slowing down because of the Swine Flue but our agency never reported that. China was closed Thur and Fri of last week for the Dragon Boat Festival so hopefully they come back on Monday all rested and ready to go! And right now it is Monday in China! Lets hope they start sending LOAs at a new record pace. Please keep us in your thoughts for a speedy LOA. I had thought when we started this adoption we would travel by Mid summer now I don't even have a guess.
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