Saturday, September 26, 2009

Apple picking

It's days like these that make one remember why we live in New England. Upper 60's, light breeze, crystal clear blue sky, pumpkins in the field, and fresh cool red juicy apples hanging from the branches. Usually the girls need to be picked up to find good apples but not today, the branches were completely full top to bottom. Ollie was on a mission to fill her bag, "just one more!" 25 pounds later, we were finally able to convince her that it was time. The girls were excited to see the horses pull up and we were able to squeeze on the wagon for the ride back down. The checkout line was by far the longest I have ever seen it, a lot of people had the same idea today. A day off from hockey, great time with the family, perfect weather, and a good dinner (Friendlys), baking hot apple crisp tomorrow. What else could one ask for?!

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