Friday, October 16, 2009


Lilly is probably the best traveling companion in the world!  She sleeps eats and never complains on a plane.  Its all an adventure to her.  She has been very excited about getting Teddy and has remained that way.  We have had to remind her of boundaries with him.  I think he had older girls that might have helped take care of him.  He wants her to do a lot for him and she started of mothering him a lot.  She did great with jet lag there was only one day she slept at a weird time and we let her stay up reading in bed and we all went to bed.  The hardest thing for Lil has been shopping on the Isl.  She doesn't understand this isn't a store at home with the price tag on the item and we know how much it cost.  When someone sees you interested in something they come right after you and start getting pushy.  Poor Lil just wants to buy something and I tried to explain to her I have no idea what it cost and we need daddy to figure out the price AND if its worth what they want.  And being just a child she doesn't understand going from shop to shop and seeing who had the nicest and best prices.  We did go to a shop today that no one followed your around (YEA) and items were marked.  We got her one dress and some shoes.  But she is just her regular easy going happy smiley self! 

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