Friday, May 15, 2015
Guangzhou April 1-10 2015
So much has happened since then it is all mashed together in my mind. When the plane landed Addie started throwing up. We weren't expecting this so we were covered in puke, she was covered in puke and we were being stared at. We let everyone go by and Ken asked the flight attendant is she has a plastic bag. NO. So we make our way off the plane to find out we are holding up the bus to take us to the terminal. Lots of angry eyes. We get on very crowed and Addie is throwing up again. Get to the airport getting our bags (throwing up still). Meet our guide (Mommy stares down some 20 something boys laughing at us!!!) We have to change her in some seating section and head to the van. We are a wreck she is a wreck and having dry heaves now. We think motion sickness first time flying. We get to the hotel and just want to rest. Now we have had her 3 days and she hasn't pooped and they wouldn't answer my question "when did she poop last?" Ken gets his swim suit on and decides to get in the bath with her. She poops this white/grey/little brown very hard poop. Not looking good. She doesn't eat much and cant keep it down. Now here is where time gets blurry. She is still not able to keep anything down. We have her "physical" she is dehydrated she has to have blood drawn she is puking in the car/vans we travel in she is a limp noodle. I ask on the WACAP fb page for advice where to take her. On Friday we call our guide early and say we NEED to take her to a clinic that was recommended to us. We go and meet Dr Peggy (we loved Dr Peggy!!!) The look in her eyes when she meet us :( sadness, disgust, not really sure maybe angry. We find out Addie has a bacterial infection and is dehydrated. She gives us meds AND her cell number and says call me this weekend! One question that sticks in my mind she asked was "Did you know she was like this?" Well yes and no. We knew she was small and had seizures and the cleft. We were not expecting no seizure meds and bag of oxygen and a very sick child. Oh Dr Peggy also gives us a rescue med if she has a seizure. OK off we go thinking its the infection and now that she has had the antibiotic shot and meds she is going to get better! Right..... wrong. We start feeding her with a medicine syringe that was with the baby Tylenol we had brought we tried water, Gatorade, coconut water, and formula. Nothing but water stays down and if we go over 20ml she throws up. Saturday night Ken wakes me up because he has gotten up to feed Addie and she is unresponsive. We decide that if we were home we would bring her to the ER so that is what we are going to do. We call our guide (who by the way was wonderful) and she brings us to a Women and Children's Hospital ER. That was an experience I don't ever need to relive. They give us rehydration fluid and cough syrup because she keeps coughing up phlegm and tell us to feed her every half hour. Ken and I take shifts and start giving her 5ml up to 20 ml feeding her every 15min to 30min. Monday we go back to the Clinic to have her blood tested to see if the infecting is gone and it has cleared up. We are still feeding her with the syringe because she still wont take the bottle but she is showing a little more life, looking at us and staying awake more hours. By Wednesday she is finally eating with her bottle and we get some smiles and she LAUGHS. We were so happy! She stops throwing up and we are hoping for a good flight home. We manage to get out and walk around Shaiman the last two days we were there. We spent the almost the entire time in our hotel room taking shifts feeding Addie and eating breakfast alone. Not the trip we had planned. We love the island and had looked forward to spending time there. So happy to be going home.
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