Thursday, March 19, 2015

Next week at this time.....

WE WILL BE FLYING TO CHINA!!!! I haven't been doing a great job keeping the blog updated so here goes.  We got our TA, CA, booked our flights and our Visas will be here tomorrow.  Hoping to have our travel plans from our agency by tomorrow too! Lots to do this weekend.  We will take the coach into Boston on the 25th and stay with Sannie and Noah. Fly out of Boston to DC and then on to Beijing. We will then take the train to our little girls Providence, Taiyuan. That will give us a couple of nights to get adjusted to the time difference.  Then on Monday, March 30 we get her!!!! After a week in Providence we will fly to GZ on Friday.  We will be home April 10th!! I hope to keep the blog updated while in China, especially with pictures, but not sure if I will be able to post. It all happening so fast now!


Elaine said...

I'm looking forward to following your trip. Have a wonderful time!

Heather H. said...

You cannot reach blogger in China without a VPN. You can purchase one of those and set it up now, BEFORE you leave. Alternatively, you can set up your blogger account so you can e-mail your posts to it. Your other option is to email your posts to a friend or family member here in the US who can then post to Blogger for you. Good luck and safe travels!!!

Carrie said...

Thank you Heather. We have to VPNs and DH has one on his work computer for when he travel that his company has for China. Hoping with 3 one will work!