Sunday, August 31, 2014

Emotional Overload

What a week it has been.  Ollie had her 6th operation total 5th for cleft issues on Wednesday. She came through with flying colors and is doing great.  But all the stress before, DURING, and keeping her feed is wearing on a Mom.  Oh by the way it was a 4 hour surgery scheduled for 5 with the ENT also plugging a hole in her ear.  Then I got a call from our agency that Kanghong is not doing well.  A little back story.  We were told about 2 weeks ago she was leaving Little Flowers and going to a foster home.  Well since then we have seen pictures posted and added to her album of her at LF. And in one she has a feeding tube.  So I contacted our agency and asked if they could check on her.  She did not go to Foster Care she became very ill and was sent to the hospital for test.  She spent 2 weeks in the hospital getting treated for something LF doesn't even think what is wrong with her so they had her released back to them.  She was OK for a couple of days but then took a turn for the worse. Vomiting and urinating little. So back to the Doctor who said she had electrolyte imbalance .  (Duh she's puking all the time!)  The have put her on breast milk only (she's 2.5 is that enough?) .  In conclusion this is what we got.

I’ll be honest and tell you that we STILL do not have any idea what is wrong with her and why she has repeated episodes of vomiting and serious GI complaints.  The doctors are not sure either.

We have brought her to Beijing and had the top international experts examine her and run tests.  They cannot give us any answers.  We really don’t have any other options other to continue to provide basic care and treat her various symptoms as they occur.
So we contacted our Doctor and I wont even begin to post what she said! It was so harsh my head was spinning.  So we continue on this road and wait and pray that she gets better in the next couple of weeks and that all our paperwork continues to more along quickly.  We are still so far from travel and getting her.  It is all in someone else's hands to take care of her.   Little Flowers seems to love and care for the children so much that I don't think she could be anyplace better then with us. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Adoption Feelings

This is our fourth adoption so I'm not new to the process. But it doesn't get easier the more times you do it.  The paperwork can be overwhelming at times. I have check list and emails sent daily to check on forms and what needs to be done and what has been received and my favorite worry "Did I leave it our where one of the cats will ear it!". I love when the paperwork is finally out of my hands and we are DTC to China.  But then the waiting starts and I spend endless hours looking at others time lines and what the current wait times are and checking out hotels we could possibly stay in.  There is no growing tummy no heart beat to hear and no kicking to feel. You hope for an email with new pictures and possible a weight and height so you can go look at clothes. You think daily "DON'T THEY KNOW THERE IS A LITTLE GIRL/BOY WAITING FOR A FAMILY? WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?" And you know for sure everything seems to slow down when your waiting on your approvals. 

First Day Of School!!

Another "First Day Of School" in the Woods house!  How many does that make now oh I think 22! Everyone was up early and ready go and had a good day.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Home Study is done!

Well that was fast! We had our first visit Aug 9th 2nd Aug 13 and 3rd  Aug 16th and our Social Worker emailed it on the 23rd for review to our agency.  If it looks good Im hoping our I800A will be sent our by Friday.  That would be 3 weeks from start to finish!  All of the paperwork for our Dossier has been notarized. And redone with a job change for me! I am now working on Verifying all our NH forms all the Me. forms have been done.  I love when all the paperwork is done and in WACAPS hands (our agency) and out of mine. Hoping for good new next week! 

Paperwork and more Paperwork

I am feeling very overwhelmed with paperwork right now. Its not like we haven't gone through this 3 other times but for some reason this time I feel so unorganized.  I keep telling myself that everything is moving along and it is all fine. But so far I'm not believing myself. Add on to the paperwork that Max has to do a lot of the forms also because he lives in an apartment attached to our house.  We have set up all our meetings with our Social Worker, had our physicals (just waiting on some blood work for Ken), done our Me. clearance for child abuse and neglect, waiting on employment letters, and giving our NH State Police and Clearance for child abuse and neglect to our Social Worker.