Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Adoption Feelings

This is our fourth adoption so I'm not new to the process. But it doesn't get easier the more times you do it.  The paperwork can be overwhelming at times. I have check list and emails sent daily to check on forms and what needs to be done and what has been received and my favorite worry "Did I leave it our where one of the cats will ear it!". I love when the paperwork is finally out of my hands and we are DTC to China.  But then the waiting starts and I spend endless hours looking at others time lines and what the current wait times are and checking out hotels we could possibly stay in.  There is no growing tummy no heart beat to hear and no kicking to feel. You hope for an email with new pictures and possible a weight and height so you can go look at clothes. You think daily "DON'T THEY KNOW THERE IS A LITTLE GIRL/BOY WAITING FOR A FAMILY? WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG?" And you know for sure everything seems to slow down when your waiting on your approvals. 

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