Thursday, June 11, 2015


I wasn't sure how to title this post.  The following post are about our adoption (4th time) of Addie.  A beautiful 2 (just turned 3) year old.  We knew she has special needs.  She was listed a special focus child because she had more then one special need.  She has repaired CHD, cleft lip repaired , cleft pallet needs to be and seizure activity.  Ive tried to post about how difficult it can be when you travel half way around the world and are given a very sick child.  That once you get home you find our her needs are sooooooo much more then you imagined. How the whole family is affected and struggle with little sleep, hospital stays, and no normalcy. How your heart brakes for this tiny little girl who you just want to make better.  How scary it all was in China and how some families might have walked away. 

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