Friday, May 8, 2015

In Province

After we arrive at the hotel we fix Addie a bottle.  She is very eager to have it and it goes down pretty fast and comes up pretty fast too.  We figure she is nervous and seems to be a nervous baby.  That night goes OK we get her to eat a little and she sleeps alright.  The next day we are picked up by our guide who tells us that one of the women at the Civil Affairs Office had called her he night before and asked if we wanted to keep Addie because they felt we weren't going to.  So you should be able to guess what we looked like the day before when we were handed a bag of oxygen!!!!  OF COURSE WE WERE GOING TO KEEP HER!!! We did all the paperwork, get our picture taken etc. and back to the hotel.  She doesn't seem to be "feeling well" so we hang out at the hotel mostly.  Because of a holiday we are leaving for Guangzhou of Wednesday instead of the usually Friday.  We head to the airport with our "bag of oxygen" not knowing how the flight will go.  We spend some time at security with them trying to figure out how to tell us we cant take the bag of oxygen on the plane (but we knew that!) leave it at security and just want to get to Guangzhou.  We fix Addie a bottle as soon as the plane takes off and she falls asleep.  This is going to be easy!!  But wait the plane lands. 

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