Friday, May 15, 2015

Keeping Her....

I want to talk a little more about this.  Never could we ever leave a child.  Even one who was sick and had/has so many issues we were not aware of.  Ken and I talk about how first time parents or unexperienced parents would have been SCARED.  That they probably would have disrupted or at least talked it over with their agency.  Adopting is not for the weak.  Adopting a special needs/special focus child is not something to go into lightly.  The needs these children have can be so far more then an operation.  The cost can be soooooo much more then the adoption cost.  This is my opinion and please don't feel the need to let me know if you disagree.  If you are adopting no matter WHAT the child you meet is yours just like when you have a baby YOU DONT GIVE THEM BACK!!! Could it disrupt your whole family dynamics and life YES.  Doctor bills and time YES. May they not grow into what you had imagined YES. But they will grow into where love, patience, and time brings them. All children deserve a family.

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