Monday, October 12, 2009

Good morning from HK

Well we didn't exaclty sleep in, got up around 6:00. It is more like waking up from an afternoon nap. The girls wanted to hit the pool, Carrie found it out our window. Nice view of the Harbour, and clean. It felt really good to finally get a shower and some clean clothes. Lil spilled her apple juice on my leg on the first flight, luckily it was not too much. I have attached some pictures of the flight and the pool this AM. After swiming we went for a walk to the attached mall. We found a 7eleven and picked up some water and milk for the girls. We saw signs for a food court and luckily one of the places had english descriptions. I grabbed a coffee and an egg sandwich. Ollie thought the sandwich looked good so I had to go pick up another one, and Lil wanted some noodles so I grabbed some of those too. Quite a bit less expensive than the hotel breakfast, 45HK dollars ($7US). Not too many shops in the mall were open, but Lil enjoyed window shopping at the bridal store!

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